·        Delivering quality work in evidence-based medicine.

Our work



Pristiq and Pregnancy

I was rocking my 3-week-old baby boy to a lullaby when suddenly I burst out crying. After the birth of my first child, I went into depression. Being sad sometimes is normal, but this was different… Read more



Reduplicative Paramnesia

A 70-year-old woman believed that 2 identical houses were located at the same address. She maintained that both homes have the same furniture. Once a doctor examined her, a tumor was found on the right side of her brain… Read more


Gingival Enlargement

Just like other drugs, amlodipine has its side effects. These side effects include swelling of hands and legs, flushing, male sexual problem, stomach pain, and a severe rare side effect known as gingival hyperplasia or enlargement (swollen gums)… Read more



Bladder Cancer

Since March 2020, there has been a steady flow of news about the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on healthcare. Doctors, nurses, and people in need of all types of care were suddenly faced with stress and fear of the unknown… Read more



How many times have you considered ordering Zyprexa, but end up choosing other drugs mainly because of side effects? If your answer is "too many times," you are not alone… Read more



Alzheimer’s Disease

As you age, your body changes. You notice changes to your hair and face, aches and pains might appear more often. And, to make matters worse, you may become forgetful. This might make you concerned about developing and trying to prevent dementia or Alzheimer's disease (AD)… Read more


"Queen is a team player with great interpersonal skills. She works very well in challenging environments together with others to perform and deliver assignments, working under pressure and beating deadlines with minimal supervision. I enjoy working with her."

- Ogubuike Emejuru MD, FAAP Children's Health Associates of Tidewater

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